Lady Irwin College

University of Delhi
NAAC Accredation A+ | NIRF Ranking 24

TRB Suggestions for M.Sc dissertation proposals of DCE Department Meeting held on 29th October 2020

Aditi Sharma
  • Opinion and satisfaction-related questions need to be segregated
  • 5-point rating for satisfaction – will be difficult to conduct over the phone
  • Very lengthy and extensive questionnaire-please make it doable
  • The title of the paper needs more clarity – is it the accessibility or role, or implication of the scheme?
  • Inclusion criteria: should also include only those farmers who are aware of the scheme.
  • Usage of the word ‘Minimal plagiarism’ in ethical considerations is incorrect.
  • Language issues in the proposal
  • Question 6 has nearly ten sub-sections. Re-work in the light of suggestions given
  • Can include women farmers if possible
  • Look for a possibility of Gender-disaggregated selection of farmers
Aditi Verma
  • Language in the questionnaire needs to be consistent
  • Q.7 – give the respondents a wider range
  • Q.1, 6, Too many details in the questions
  • Title: ‘young people’ qualified with college attending as done in the objectives
  • Some students in the second year are of 18 years, expand age range
  • 3-4 sharp objectives should be enough
  • Go to only students who are from Delhi.
  • Section 2: Have more yes/no questions
  • The ending of the questionnaire is very abrupt. Seek suggestions from the students. Thank your respondents.
Bhavna Verma
  • Getting information once is good enough – two phases is a challenge
  • Spend more time doing a pilot before finalising the design of the study.
  • Too many objectives, too big a sample, please relook at these
  • Remove questions related to opinions and satisfaction
  • Look at the sequence of these questions and re-arrange accordingly
  • Do not put everything in title, ‘Delhi’ only; remove ‘NCR’
  • Remove the word – ‘quantitative study’
  • Keep in mind the technological considerations
  • Do away with Likert scales – ask simple, straightforward questions
  • Include only those who have been asking these apps for a specific period and have a good comparison also
Bhumika Anand
  • Consider limiting study to identifying message deficits as listed in Phase 1
  • Study could be limited to the content analysis of messages about air population in air-pollution apps
  • Content analysis in itself is a huge research approach
  • Restrict yourself to detailed, in-depth content analysis and go deep into it. Bring out more useful qualitative data.
  • In inclusion criteria Teachers have to be post-graduate if only college teachers being approached.
  • Age criteria of teachers in sample should be rationalised.
  • Use uniform terms as the meaning differs as in case of for teachers the word ‘Staff’ has also been used , which can be misinterpreted.
  • Within the constraints of the study, you can focus on relating to only COVID-19 specific communication on mental health.
  • Tool 2: Content Analysis Framework – how will you ensure objectivity when a respondent is answering these questions on the layout.
  • Mention ‘Case study’ in the title
  • Pandemic communication – redundant expression
  • Review your title. Maybe reframe it as ‘Mental health during COVID-19: A case study of My Gov Corona Hub Facebook page’
  • Spell-check your proposal
  • In the exclusion – mention of NEP is not needed.
  • Study may be limited to just content analysis. Make it doable.
  • Mention the differences between a post and a creative
  • Inter-coder reliability: Two coders will minimize the subjectivity and ensure the credibility of research
  • Q.6, Q.7, – What do you expect them to answer
  • Q.11-You are not giving them options to answer
  • Categorization of responses needs to be re-checked
  • Re-word and redo leading questions
  • Certain biases in your mind are evident. Ask questions whether something like this exists or not?
  • In Title – Academics are not necessarily teachers. Clarify and define this.
  • Inclusion criteria for women: change to women within 32/35-45 years of age.
  • Analyze data from government and private institutions – for comparison
  • Include the type of family factor too
  • Objectives do not highlight the comparison of working and non-working women
  • Re-look at the objectives
  • Semi-structured interview schedule: Q.2 – what do you mean by ‘enough’? It is a very subjective word. Q.3 (3) – ‘always’,’ Q4 good quality’-the person will be conscious
  • Questions related to food allocation are too direct and need to be re-worded
  • Q.12 – relook at Suggestive statements
  • Exclusion criteria needs to be appropriately worded.
  • Either ask men and women both and then do a comparative study or Include such questions in the questionnaire for women.
  • Assumptions about income criteria, nutritional requirements, needs to be checked
  • Explicit bias to be removed from the study
Harina Kaur Oberoi
  • Tools – (Section 2, Q.15)- some parts of the language used is very generic whereas some parts are personal
  • Statement 6 – ‘high quality’ needs to be defined
  • In several questions not clear ifpersonal opinions or generic opinions being asked
  • Section 4: The table for each campaign should be different
  • Title: too many concepts in the title. When talking about gender, isn’t the cause already defined?
  • No need to have 2-3 panel of judges as They will bring in their own set of biases, you can have certain criteria for the selection of these campaigns. That should be enough.
  • The use of the word – ‘powerful’. It is subjective and value-laden. ‘Effective’, ‘result-oriented’ are better options instead of ‘powerful’
  • The questionnaire needs to be re-looked at. Pronouns to be checked
  • Check if personal bias is there any question
  • Go for in-depth interviews, if possible
Lakshmi Bhardwaj
  • Can just have one phase for the study
  • Have voluntary or convenient sampling, Remove the word ‘Public’ and use convenient in sample
  • Better to have graduates and non-graduates in inclusion criteria
  • Don’t confine to urban women if possible
Medha Saxena
  • Section C of tool- how to ask ‘graphic’ question? Please check
  • How to come to conclusion after asking a question.
  • Q14- what is ‘Goals’?
  • Look for farmers who have and donot have app
  • Questions should be explanatory and not lengthy- remove complicated questions
  • Title- can we say ‘utilization pattern’ instead of ‘user experience’
  • Depending on outsiders for data collection is difficult- instead do a qualitative study
  • Exclusion criteria- leaving a lot of population on basis of ‘affordability’
  • Check possibility of including women and tenant farmers?
Meenakshi Bhardwaj
  • Do not include media in the title. Relook at the title
  • Famers not using green technologies is only the exclusion criterion.
  • Don’t use ‘the term ‘anonymous’- mention that it will be used for study purpose
  • Just ask the source of information in objective 4
  • Look at the word qualitative mentioned in doc
  • Age range- (20-40) years- may be taken and mention rationale for the selection of sample
  • 45-50 mins for data collection over phone may be very long-please see.
  • Keep track on what is happening to the farmers and how recent amendments have affected them? Consider
  • current challenges. Read more about farmer’s issues
Neha Kumari
  • Title- why ‘higher education’- relook
  • Q7,8,9- reliable institute is a broad question, reconsider
  • How would you define ‘aspiration’ as a researcher- instead it should be ‘aspirations’
  • Higher education needs to be defined
  • Why 18-23 years- why not 18-25 years?
  • Strategies is missing in doc- only present in objectives but not reflected in the questionnaire
  • Why to restrict to science and commerce only- include arts if possible.
  • Include questions like distance and challenges

To View all M.Sc dissertation proposals of DCE Department Meeting held on 29th October 2020Click Here

List of Research Proposals M.Sc. Development Communication & Extension

Sr. No. Name of Students Name of Supervisors Research Title
1 Aditi Sharma Dr. Rupa Upadhyay Role of Pradhan Mantri FasalBimaYojna: A Study in Mahendragarh, Haryana
2 Aditi Verma Dr. Sarita Anand Assessing Knowledge and Practices of College Attending Youth about Environmental Degradation: A Study in Delhi-NCR
3 Bhavna Verma Dr. Swati Kwatra Menstrual Health Management (MHM) Apps and Young Unmarried Women of Delhi
5 Deelisha Dr. Aparna Khanna Pandemic Communication on Mental Healthduring Covid-19: A Case Study of My Gov Corona Hub Page on Facebook
7 Garima Dr. Rupa Upadhyay Role Of Urban Women in Household Food Security: AComparative Study of Working and Non -Working Women
9 Lakshmi Dr. Sarita Anand Feminist Identity of Young Urban Women of Delhi: An Analysis
11 Medha Saxena Dr. Rupa Upadhyay User Experience of Agriculture- Based Mobile Applications: A Study in Karnal, Haryana
13 Neha Kumari Dr. Ruchi Gaur Aspirations of YoungUndergraduate Women for Higher Education- A Study in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh Kangra
15 Renu Airy Dr. Kiran Chauhan and Dr.Archna Kumar Digital Literacy Assessment of School Children in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand
17 Shruti V. Dr. Aparna Khanna Negotiating COVID-19Pandemic: Experiences of Traditional Media Practitioners
20 Vaishali Dr.Archna Kumar Effects Of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lives of Women Domestic Workers in Delhi- NCR
21 Varda Hameed Dr.Sunaina Batra Re-telecast of Mythological Shows During the Pandemic: Perception of Delhi’s Youth

Comments and Suggestions Received from IEC members in the meeting held on 28th November 2020

To View Comments and Suggestions Received from IEC Member in the MeetingClick Here

Aditi Sharma:

  • The student must first check the consequences of New Farm bill on the implementation of scheme.
  • Should expand the scope of the study to include the implementation of scheme before and after the new bill specifically because of the farmer agitation against the bill in the state of Haryana.
  • Student can accordingly modify the scope of study as per the new law.

Aditi Verma:

  • The title of the study can be reworded as “Assessing Knowledge and Practices of College attending Youth about Environmental Degradation: A study in Delhi-NCR”.


  • Restrict the study to only Android based mobile phone Apps and accordingly redefine the exclusion criterion.


  • In case family is going to have any influence on research, then ask about the family composition and derive family type on your own.


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  • Add a cover note for respondents about the purpose of this research to give them context and to elicit better responses before asking questions.


  • The research should be guided by some purpose, so it is suggested that the research be carried out with women from families with lesser total household income, that is less than Rs. 30,000 per month and a comparison can be drawn between working and non -working women instead of professional and non-professional women.
  • The title of the study should be changed accordingly.


  • The study design is difficult to follow. It is suggested to undertake in depth research limited to Cause related marketing only. It will make it more lucid. Reduce the objective accordingly.


  • Add two to three open ended questions at the end of the tool to know the personal experiences of the respondents about the challenges faced in expressing their ideas about Feminism.


  • Due to limited time available, student can limit the documentation to listing the names of popular traditional medicines if required.
  • The student can explore the traditional family (Clan) system’s contribution in general and in dealing with their reproductive health concerns in particular.


  • Since majority of the farmers are likely to be semi-literate, the questions designed may be hard to be understood by them. Make language in the tool simple and easy and use colloquial expressions while framing questions.


  • Name the village in the Sohna district, where the research will be carried out as it is highly urbanized and the farming patterns have changed. Farmers in this region are likely to affected by water shortage and may be sowing just one cereal crop only due to saline water.
  • Expand the respondents age range to up to 60 years.
  • Inclusion criteria should mention, farmers using any one or more of the selected six green technologies.


  • The student should add a few questions about their role models. Try to examine, their role models come from family, neighbourhood, media or any other source.


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  • A very delicate topic to ask question in a distant mode.
  • Consult a specialized doctor to ensure that all relevant aspects of the problem have been covered. Ensure that only right kind of questions are asked.


  • Add a few open- ended questions to know about the consciousness of the respondents about Sustainability.


  • Try to understand the employer’s perspectives as well while examining the challenges faced by the domestic workers, if possible.


  • Ask for sources of information about these programmes and if there are other family members also who watch these programmes.
  • Enquire, who motivated them to follow these programmes

Technical Review Board (TRB) 29th October, 2020 M.Sc. Development Communication & Extension

To View TRB M.Sc. Development Communication & ExtensionClick Here

Minutes of Institutional Ethics Committee Meeting held on 21st November 2020

The Institutional Ethics Committee Meeting was held on 21st November 2020 through Google Meet. Research proposals for 16 MSc student’s dissertations were presented and discussed. All students were given ethical clearance.
The details of the recommendations for each student have been discussed below:

I. Exempt Category:

  • The research proposal of the following student was considered under exempt category as it was laboratory based experimental study.
Sr. No. Research Title Student Name Recommendation
1. Sustainable Cleaning: A Comparative Study Between the Efficacy of Tween 20 and Trigoneliafoenum graecum Seed Extract as Surfactants for Textile Conservation Pragya Jain There were no specific suggestions.

II. Expedited Category

  • The research proposals of 15 students were considered in the expedited category.
  • The students were advised to list ethical issues pertaining to their study

The specific recommendations for some of the students in the expedited category are as follows:

Sr. No. Research Title Student Name Recommendation
1. Legacy of Textiles and Costumes in Assam – Ahom & Khampti Tribes Deepali Bajaj Replace the word ‘tribes’ by communities/ethnic groups, list limitation of the study
2. Revival Efforts for Weaving Traditional Reza Fabric of Haryana Husanvi Study and analyze reasons for decline of the craft
3. Upgrading the Indigo Dyeing and Printing Techniques of Nandana Prints of Jawad in Madhya Pradesh StudyZeba Study history/origin of the craft, document whether artisans are also engaged in other work for alternate source of income, and whether next generation is taking up the craft
4. Threat of Discarded Personal Protective Equipment on Environment during the Corona Virus Pandemic Aarti Early days yet to study best practices, Contact NGO Chintan (working with rag pickers groups)to explore reports of salvaging and reuse of PPE, Ensure sample is from different departments in the hospitals
5. To Study the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Fashion and Lifestyle preferences of Women Consumers age between 20-50 years Sakshi Singh Study challenges with respect to buying in view of pandemic e.g. Buying without trying, Remove overlap in age groups for selection of sample i.e it should be 20-29 years, 30-39 years & so on, Reduce sample size to 10 in each category.
6. Current Status of Apparel Up Cycling: A Case Study Shikha Joshi Give operational definition of upcycling, More work required on the questionnaire as it seems sketchy
7. A Study on Sustainable Wardrobe Management Among College Going Girls of Delhi University Shivani Gupta Reduce sample to 30 in each category instead of 40.
8. Assessment of Kurta-Salwar as Uniform for Girl Students (9th-12thclasses) Annkna Reduce sample size to 50 girl students, 25 parents and 10 teachers, References should be given in alphabetical order
9. Clothing for Plus Size Teenagers: An Exploratory Study Ritika Grover References should be given in alphabetical order.
10. A Study Of Delhi Markets Selling Branded Export Surplus Garments and Its Impact on Brand Value Supriya Janvasia Explore brand website, Study requirements of retailers, Modify question 23, page 6.
11. Development and Dissemination of Ready Reckoner for Online Apparel Shopping YouthVinaya Gupta Obtain information with respect to income group of respondents by indicators such as area/locality of residence, include awareness about sustainable clothing choices

TRB IEC Minutes

Sr. No. Title Action
1. Minutes IEC Meeting Suggestions Compiled 2020 View
2. TRB Signed Approved Minutes Report HDCS Complied 2020 View
3. IEC Meeting Comments November 28th 2020 View
4. TRB Comments October 27th 2020 View

TRB IEC Minutes

Sr. No. Title Action
1. SOP 2015 View
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