Computer Resource Centre (CRC)
The Computer Resource Centre (CRC) is situated in the main building of the college. The centre provides state-of-the-art computer facilities to its staff, research scholars and students of the college. Desktops with TFT, LCD Projectors, Printers and Scanners are the resources available at the centre. The multimedia facilities enable appropriate inter-linkage for the advancement of Home Science discipline. The Centre is instrumental in providing technical and academic support to the college.
The computer facilities have expanded over a period of time with additional support coming from UGC & Delhi University. The centre maintains three dedicated laboratories (CRC I, CRC II and e-resources laboratory) equipped with 542 computers and 3 servers. The inter-connectivity to all the places in the campus is available through Wi-Fi and fibre optical cables. The college is connected on 100 Mbps MPLS-VPN link to the University Network for the Internet Services.

The entire college building, Centre for Post Graduate Studies (CPGS), UG and PG Hostel and Student centre are Wi-Fi enabled. This facility is made available 24×7 through 25 Access Points centrally managed by a Dedicated Server and Router. All students, faculty and laboratory staff are allotted User ID and Password for accessing internet as well as Digital Library.
In Addition to computer laboratories, CRC caters to specialized needs of the academic community and all departments in curriculum transaction, research and outreach activities. CRC provides assistance to departments for presentations of Seminars, Conferences, Meetings and Department activities both offline and online.
Computer Resource Centre operates from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Laptops can be issued by faculty and students for academic pursuits. Assistance is also provided to departments for presentations of Seminars, Conferences, Meetings and Department activities both online and offline.
The CRC supports the college website and the duly constituted website committee of the college regularly updates the information. The CRC provides access to academic resources like journals & periodicals of DU Data base. It further assists in management of data base and provides facilities to faculty and students for data analysis, word processing, printing and scanning of material for research activities, course assignments and other related tasks. During pandemic, the centre also enabled students and faculty access to G-Suite and Microsoft Teams supported by Central University for smooth conduct of classes.
Various licenced software’s provided by DU/College Purchase include Windows Server 2008 (R2) (DU), MATLAB and SPSS (provided by DU); Windows 7/10 (College), Ubuntu, Microsoft Office 2013 (College), Tally (College) and Quick-Heal Total Security (College) with latest update patches and virus definition.
Convenor – Lady Irwin Computer Resource Centre
Contact – Please see Staff Council Committee

Dr. Puja Gupta
CRC Incharge

Mr. Amit Kumar Meena
Senior Technical Assistant (Computer)