“A home away from home” Lady Irwin College Hostel nests around 200 graduate and postgraduate students coming from different states of India and abroad.
Lady Irwin College Hostel housed in two building stands tall and majestic. Made of red bricks walls, the whole building narrates a historical story of some old legendary Hilla Faridoonji Rustamji, who fondly called it “LIC hostel”, certainly makes a bold statement against the lush green landscapes.
The main hostel Hilla Faridoonji Hall was inaugurated in 1934 and PG Hostel was inaugurated by Mrs. Hilla Rustomji Faridoonji, President, All India Women’s Education Fund Association (AIWEFA) in 1954. The main UG hostel houses undergraduates and PG hostel accommodate largely post-graduate students and Ph.D. scholars.

The sprawling lush green lawns in front of the buildings add splendour to the architectural beauty of the red brick buildings. The eye-catching serpentine staircase and spacious galleries in front of rooms characterize the main hostel building. The interiors and layouts of the rooms in the two buildings are in harmony with nature and ensure sunlight and free circulation of air. The students are free to jog, walk the lush green campus. They avidly use the basketball court for jog, play, group activities and study sessions.
The hostel is Wi-Fi enabled and the rooms arefully air- conditioned all-purpose common room, ‘Travancore’- the television and entertainment room with LCD facility which plays the role of a party room during festivals and occasions and a study room during examinations.
The hostel provides all the students a safe and comfortable environment and is a Zero Ragging and a No Smoking Zone.
The Hostel is managed by the Hostel Committee which is constituted by the Staff Council of the College and executed by the Warden in consultation with the college Director. The Hostel Committee comprises of the College Director, The Teacher Warden and two Faculty members nominated by the Staff Council.
Contact Person: Ms. Suparna Roy (Superintendent)
Contact at : 9953064339
The students who have secured admission in college are eligible for hostel accommodation. The hostel seats are reserved as per the government rules for SC/ST/OBC and PWD. Admission to the hostel will be given as per the merit and the following categorization:
- Category A : 95 % of seats will consist of those students whose parents are not residing in or around Delhi. A proof of residence has to be submitted for the same.
- Category B : 5 % of the seats will consist of those students whose parents are not residing in Delhi or NCR of Delhi but 20 kms or more from the college. A proof of residence has to be submitted for the same.
Admission to hostel will be allowed if applied for at the time of submitting application form for admission to the course. Parents are requested to send application on separate form available in the Hostel office, alongwith the application for admission.
Hostel accommodation is available to regular students of the college as stated above. The allotment of a seat in the hostel will be decided on the basis of the academic record and the need of the student. Those admitted to the hostel are expected to pay all the hostel fees and join the hostel immediately. Failing to do so, admission to the hostel will be withdrawn. Students will be eligible for hostel admission only on production of a medical fitness certificate.
As a rule, a resident student is expected to be in the hostel on the eve of the opening of the college and attend the Orientation Programme arranged for newly admitted students. The student must have two local guardians and two references residing in Delhi. Failing which the hostel seat will not be allotted.
A list of names of visitors permitted by the parents must be submitted to the hostel at the time of admission. Visitors shall be received only during the stipulated timings.
Re-Admission :
Re-admission to the hostel is made afresh each year. It is not automatic and has to be recommended by the warden. For re-admission, an application form has to be filled in along with a fresh medical Certificate,
Re-admission form and the hostel fee has to be submitted with in one week of opening of College. A fine of Rs. 100/- per day will be charged till 31st of July. On August 1st, the seat will be deemed as cancelled.
The following students will NOT be readmitted.
Those who have failed in the University Examination.
Those who have failed to secure 75% attendance.
Those who are admitted on the basis of sports or any other co-curricular activities but have not participated in sports or the said co-curricular consistently or their performance has not been satisfactory.
Those who have violated the hostel rules or have committed acts of misconduct.
Those who have not paid the hostel fee.
Rules and Regulations
- The college attempts to take responsibility for its hostel students. Doing this for about 200 students, necessitates certain ground rules. Following these rules makes for harmonious living. Imposing rules is not to place restrictions, but to ensure the safety of our students. The students and their guardians are expected to abide by all the rules, regulations and procedures given in the Prospectus, which may be revised from time to time by the Hostel and College authorities. Co-operation is expected from students and parents in making it a good community and a happy place for all the students.
- The student must inform the authorities if her parents move to Delhi, or if her local guardian moves out of Delhi.
- Any addition / deletion to the visitors list can be made only by the parents.
- Failure to reside in the hostel for more than one month, including medical reasons, will result in cancellation of the hostel seat. Leaving the hostel without permission will also lead to the student’s hostel seat being taken away. If any student extends leave from hostel without immediate information to the warden (for whatever reason), the students name will be deleted from the hostel.
- The Students are not allowed to stay in hostel during vacations. Once examinations are over, students are expected to leave the hostel the following day. For the summer vacation, luggage room facility will be provided.
- For the sake of security NO VISITOR, (INCLUDING PARENTS, DAYSCHOLARS AND ANYONE ELSE) ARE PERMITTED TO COME INSIDE THE HOSTEL ROOMS. If any unauthorized person is found/ reported to have come in the room, the hostel student’s admission will be cancelled immediately.
Attendance and Leave
- Attendance rules are followed strictly in the college. Since hostel admission is a privilege, it is mandatory for students to maintain the minimum required attendance in the college. No appeals are entertained in the regard.
- All hostel students must attend their classes in the college unless indisposed.
- Leave of absence from classes must be endorsed by the warden. During the day no students will be allowed to stay in the room if her classes are on schedule.
- Students short of attendance in the college will lose their hostel seat.
- Any hostel student leaving the campus for night out must have prior permission from the warden and the signature of the warden / superintendent in the leave-Passbook which is issued to every hostel student.
(i) No late night is allowed beyond 7.00 pm Early leave – 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. The responsibilityfor early leave lies with the resident herself. This is very important, for reasons of safety .
(ii) Night out – is allowed on weekends and holidays only with prior permission from the warden and requisition filled by the student in the leave book.
- The student residents are required to fill in the details and sign the register every time they leave the hostel premises (except for attending classes) and sign again in the same register when they return. This is important for the safety of the student.
- The Warden reserves the right to refuse leave any time of the day without assigning any reason to the student.
- Strict action will be taken against the students leaving earlier or coming late after vacations.
- The hostel authorities are not responsible toward incidents occurring outside hostel premises.
All hostel residents must be present at 7.30 p.m. for the hostel assembly, unless on leave. Attendance is compulsory for assembly as important announcements are made at the assembly. Absentees will be fined Rs. 50/- per day.
Hostel is the hub of academic, social and cultural activities. The residents of the Hostel elect members from among themselves to manage the affairs of the student community.The Hostel union members are , the President, Secretar y, Treasurer, Hospitality President, Cultural officer, Social officer, Health officer, and the Mess Represntatives.
Various festivals and functions are organised in the hostel campus. Starting from the cold month in January to the year-end December. Beginning with the Lohri function in January with bonfire, Punjabi beats and dhol, moving to Holi , Diwali , Eid to the year-ending Christmas , it makes a way to happiness and joy in the life of students with lots of beautiful memories which are cherished through years. Hostel also embraces events like monthly birthdays of students with a cake cutting ceremony, freshers talent contest, DJ night and lots of other events . Special arrangements are made for each celebration alongwith special food as per the occassion.

Doctors are available at Bengali market for consultation in case of illness. However, the local guardian will be informed at the address notified by the parents and the parents/ local guardians are to supervise the consultation and admission to the hospital if required.
- Every student must report both major and minor illnesses to the authorities.
Self medication is not advisable. - Every student is expected to keep her room neat and clean and to treat all hostel property with care.
- In order to maintain cleanliness & proper hygiene there are cleaning staff throughout the day.
- ROOMS : All hostel rooms have ceiling fans and each student is provided with a wardrobe, a desk, a chair and bed. There are full length mirrors outside the rooms. Water purifiers are fitted for provision of safe drinking water. Solar geysers provide hot running water in the bathrooms .
- COMMON ROOM : There is a specious Common room equipped with a cassette player, a music system, Plasma TV with HD dish, Wi-Fi, VCD for the resident students. Many indoor games are also available. Laundry facilities are available on payment. Jeans, bedcover sheets, other heavy clothes are NOT to be washed in the hostel.
- Resident students are required to bring their own mattress, pillows, bed linen, blankets, quilt, towels, curtains, coffee mug, spoons, bucket and mug. Post graduate and B.Sc. III year students will be issued mattresses by the college hostel.
On joining the hostel, each student will be issued a set of room furniture which must be endorsed at the end of each academic year before getting hostel clearance. - Students shall not use electrical gadgets in their rooms as the lines are not intended to take a heavy load. In case of evidence of electric gadgets being used in the hostel rooms a heavy fine will be imposed along with confiscation of the gadgets by the hostel authorities.
- Lady Irwin College emphasises upon not wasting resources even if we individuals can afford to spend for it. Hostel students shall switch off the fans and lights while they are away. Any room found with fans and lights but no one present in the room will lead to disciplinary action.
- If the geysers and water aqua guards are found open when not in use, the entire floor will be fined.
Civic sense and Etiquette:
Courtesy to all the staff in the hostel is expected from every hostel student and her visitors. All students are expected to speak with respect with each and every hostel staff.
Parents/Guardians/Students are not allowed to argue with the college gatekeeper. In case of any problem, the warden may be contacted.
The mess is run by the Students Body under the supervision of Mess-In-Charge and the Hostel Warden, who are assisted by the hostel superintendent, kitchen staff such as cooks and other helpers.
Meal Timings:
Breakfast 7.30 a.m. to 8.45 a.m.
Lunch 12.00 noon to 1.30 p.m.
Tea 4.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Dinner 7.30 p.m. to 8.45 p.m.
The above timings may vary depending on celebrations in hostel.
1. The meals in the mess are planned by the students according to their choice budget. Students themselves through elected food representative and other hostel executive members take up the responsibility to see that quality products are purchased.
2 Food from the mess is not allowed to be taken to the rooms. This is to keep the hostel rooms, rodent and insect free. Meals must be taken in the Dining Room only and at the specified timings. Food can be kept for the hostel students upto 9.15 p.m. with prior information, in special situations.
3 Proper dress code should be maintained in the dining room. Action will be taken if it is not adhered to.
4.Flowers in the garden are meant to embellish the campus landscape. Plucking flowers for room decoration or for any other use, is strictly forbidden.
- There are elected representatives of the students body to deal with different aspects of student life. All problems related to the hostel can be addressed through the concerned student representative.
- Every student shall have the right to represent one’s grievance to the hostel students executive committee and the Warden.
Hostel Fee
Sr. No. | Name | View |
1 | Hostel Fee Structure 2023 | View |